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(This question is mandatory)
(This question is mandatory)
I am participating in the conference as a:
(This question is mandatory)
I will participate in the conference:
(This question is mandatory)
Participant's e-mail address:
Participant's phone number:
(This question is mandatory)
In the application form for a paper with multiple authors, please list all authors separated by commas. It is sufficient to submit the paper once.
(This question is mandatory)
For a paper with multiple authors, it is sufficient to submit the title once.
Enter up to 250 words. For a paper with multiple authors, it is sufficient to enter the abstract in the application form of one of the authors. The deadline for abstract submission is March 30th, 2025.
Enter five keywords separated by commas. For a paper with multiple authors, it is sufficient to enter the keywords in the application form where the abstract is submitted.
Abstract on English:
Enter up to 250 words. For a paper with multiple authors, it is sufficient to enter the abstract in the application form of one of the authors. The deadline for abstract submission is March 30, 2025.
(This question is mandatory)
Short biography of the author(s):
Enter up to 150 words. For a paper with multiple authors, enter a short biography of up to 100 words for each author. It is sufficient to submit the biographies in the application form where the abstract is submitted.
(This question is mandatory)
Your gender is:
(This question is mandatory)
Please indicate Your highest achieved academic or professional title and degree:
(This question is mandatory)
Are you a member of the Croatian Library Association?
(This question is mandatory)
On average, how many professional and/or scientific library conferences do you attend annually?
(This question is mandatory)
Označite Vaše trenutno stručno zvanje (prema važećem Pravilniku o uvjetima i načinu stjecanja stručnih zvanja u knjižničarskoj struci):
(This question is mandatory)
How many years have you been working in the library profession?
(This question is mandatory)
Please indicate the type of library you work in:
(This question is mandatory)
Select the regional Association you are a member of::
(This question is mandatory)
The costs of participation are covered by:
(This question is mandatory)
(This question is mandatory)
Institution address:
Enter the street name and number, postal code, and city name.
(This question is mandatory)
OIB ustanove:
(This question is mandatory)
E-mail address for invoice submission:
Registration fee

Early registration fee

Payment by April 30, 2025

Full registration fee

Payment by June 1, 2025

CLA members* € 37,50 € 50,00
CLA non-members € 50,00 € 62,50


* Membership fee for the regional association must be paid for 2024.



Payment details:

Domestic payments:

IBAN: HR3423600001101451830

Reference number: 5-6-6

When paying the registration fee, please indicate: surname, name; Mobile Libraries

After the payment is received, CLA will issue an invoice and send it by mail to the address provided. If you are required to make a payment based on an invoice or proforma invoice, please contact the CLA office.


Phone: +385 91 604 7214


International payments:

Bank: Zagrebačka banka d.d., Trg bana Josipa Jelačića 10, Zagreb, Croatia

IBAN: HR3423600001101451830

Reference number: 5-6-6


The payer is responsible for all bank fees for payments outside the EU.